The best sword in the history of... swords

The Masamune in Stick RPG 2.
The Masamune Katana is a mediocre weapon in comparison to other weapons in its tier. It deals around 1/3 the damage of a sledge, albeit it attacks much quicker and has slightly better range. The description says, "The greatest sword in the history of... swords." The base Glowy Sword can outperform it with its ridiculous attack speed and comparatively equal damage. Because of this, it is recommended to simply never bother getting the Masamune and going straight for the stronger Dark Laser Sword.
How to Unlock/Earn[]
You receive this by maxing out the job of Video Game Designer. It is a reference to Final Fantasy, since there is a sword called Masamune in many Final Fantasy games, for example Final Fantasy VII, as Masamune is the name of Sephiroth's sword. It could also be a reference to Chrono Trigger, as it was the legendary sword usable by Frog.
Upon earning the sword, the game will display a message reading: "Congratulations! You reached max rank as a Video Game Developer. Miyamoto 2.0"
The name of the maxed out title is a reference to Miyamoto Shigeru, main developer of the Super Mario series.

Message Displayed upon Unlocking the Sword