Mental Institution Escapee at morning, sitting in the park's wall near Gangster HQ.

Mental Institution Escapee at noon, sitting at the first city's border near Corporate Zombie.

Mental Institution Escapee at afternoon, standing on a lamp.
A man that's crazy. Can be cured by giving him a Bacon Flavored Narwhal. His dialogue and ubication depends on the hour of the day.
To get the Bacon Flavored Narwhal you need to give 3 chicken wings to The King of the Wing. The chicken wings can be obtained at Joe's Pizza for $35 ($17 with Discount Shopper cheat). You can also kill 3 gangsters near Stickbucks to obtain 1 of the wings. After that go to Skye's Bar at night, click a orange guy and give him the 3 wings. Then he'll give you the Bacon Flavored Narwhal. Go to the park near XGen Studios and find the Mental Institution Escapee there. Give him the Bacon Flavored Narwhal and he will give you $600 as a reward.
"All the state's doctors and their medicine, couldn't put Humpty together again."
"Zero, One, One, Two, Three, Five, Eight, Thirteen, Twenty One, Thirty Four, Fifty Five, Eighty Nine, One Hundred and Forty Four, Two Hundred and Thirty Three, Three Hundred and Seventy Seven, Six Hundred and Ten, Nine Hundred and Eighty Seven, One Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety Seven..."
"Hello, Earthling. I've travelled many light years to reach your planet of puny ant people. We have come to harvest your oxygen and feast upon unhatched human eggs. Your pitiful cries will bring no mercy."

Mental Institution Escapee at night, sitting in the park in the first city.
"Chirp-chirp. I'm a bird!"