Stick RPG 2 Wiki

Personal Trainer[]

The work of the Personal Trainer is a profession of the Cut Director and is located at Jim's Gym (5:00 

Bow Flecks

Bow Flecks +90 Strength 398 different exercises in one easy to store gym. There's big, then there's BOW FLECKS BIG!

am to 4:00 pm), to start working requires 900 of Strength, when you maximize the work you earn Bow Flecks which increases 90 Srenght.

Random Events[]

"You taught a Jazzercise session." (+20 Strength, +20 Charm)

"You pushed your client too hard. He puked on the treadmill." (-29 Charm)

"You got sued by a former client. The details were sketchy." (-$3000)

"A regular client gave you a bonus for helping him get that "6 pack" he's always wanted." (+$6500, +10 Charm)

"City Hall hired you to come up with a daily exercise program for them." (+35 Intelligence)

"You taught a session on how to properly execute the "Arnold Curl", your signature move." (+25 Strength, +32 Intelligence)

"You tweaked your hamstring doing squats." (-18 Strength)

"You started the day with some kickboxing cardio. Unfortunately one of your clients kicked you in the head." (-15 Strength)


Fitness Floozy 200 900 Strenght You washed sweaty towels.
Spotter 250 Work 3 times in the previous rank You spotted for everyone.
Aerobics Assistent 300 Work 3 times in the previous rank Told people to work harder.
Pilates Prudent 350 Work 3 times in the previous rank You preached pilates.
Plyometric Pusher 400 Work 3 times in the previous rank You plastered your clients whit plyos.
Squats Squatter 450 Work 3 times in the previous rank You did squat.
Commander Cardio 500 Work 3 times in the previous rank You ran the cardio section.
Yoga Man 550 Work 3 times in the previous rank You taught the art of yoga.
The Gun Show 600 Work 3 times in the previous rank

1600 STR

You showed what true power lifting is all about.
Mr. Universe 650

You taught your legendary upper body workout.
