Stick RPG 2 Wiki
Trainer Kerry

Trainer Kerry is a professional workout trainer who is employed by Jim's Gym. He is there in the morning and afternoon. He can train your character in the strength stat for $250 per session. Each session lasts 3 hours.


"You ready to get your sweat on?"

Workout Scenarios[]

Kickboxing cardio workout. It almost broke you. (+14 Strength)

You ran a marathon on the treadmill. Give yourself a pat on the back. (+15 Strength, +10 Charm)

12 sets on the bench. Maybe you're pushing a little too hard... (+16 Strength)

Ouch. Your shoulders are burning from those Military Presses. (+17 Strength)

You smashed the heavy bag for 5 rounds. (+18 Strength)

Shake weight class went awesome. (+19 Strength)

1000 Sit-ups! Holy shit! (+21 Strength)

Kicked it up a notch during Jujitsu class. You tapped everyone out. (+27 Strength, +18 Intelligence)
