The Trophemon is a very rare bird. There are only 4 known living Trophemons. They look like eagles with antlers. There are two groups of people who want to keep the Trophemon: the Activists, and the Eccentric Billionaire. You must choose only ONE group and deliver all four Trophemons to them. Delivering all Trophemons sucessfully rewards a super-fast pink Hoverboard. The activists are available in the evenings outside XGen Studios, and give good karma and charm if the player chooses to give a Trophemon to them. The Eccentric Billionaire is located between Mobster Tower and Cozy Condo at night, and rewards the player with money and negative karma should the player choose to give a Trophemon to him. Note that you must give them all to one group. If you split them up you can't get the hoverboard.
How to Obtain[]
1) The Cat Trophemon
- Get the Grand Slam Burger from McSticks for $75.
- Give it to the construction worker Mike beside Cozy Condos, and he'll give you a Ladder in return.
- Give the Ladder to the old lady who wants her cat, beside the Mobster Tower, standing in front of a tree in order to to receive a Trophemon.
- The player's Charm stat will increase when both items are given.
2) The Club Trophemon
- Get a Pizza ($75) and a Milkshake ($7) from Joe's Pizza Place and McSticks respectively, which cost a total of $82.
- Give them to DJ MatchStick McQuick in that exact order at the Night Club during the evening (4:00 pm - 6:00 pm) to receive a Trophemon.
- The player's Charm stat will increase when both items are given.
3) The Goon's Trophemon
- Get some Smokes, Cuban Cigars and a Lighter.
- Smokes can be obtained from 11-Seven or from The Contraband Salesman for $45, or through one of two particular fights in the streets as loot.
- Cuban Cigars can be obtained from Sad Keanu when you give him an Ice Cream Cone (requires at least 150 Charm) or can be bought from The Contraband Salesman for $2,350 (not recommended).
- The Lighter can be obtained from The Contraband Salesman or Steel and Hawk at $75.
- Give them in that order to Vinnie's Goon at the bar to receive a Trophemon.
- The player's Charm stat will increase when the Cuban Cigars and the Lighter are given.
4) The Donation Trophemon
- There is a guitar player, Dominick, found outside Skye's Bar at evening, soliciting donations. Donate $250 (10 donations of $25) and he'll give you a Trophemon.
- The player's Charm stat will increase by 10 (one Charm point per donation).